List of publications of Prof. Alexander P. Seyranian

A.O.Belyakov and A.P.Seyranian, Chapter 4 “Dynamics of a Pendulum of Variable Length and Similar
Problems” in the book: Nonlinearity, Bifurcation and Chaos - Theory
and Applications, (Eds. J. Awrejcewicz and
P. Hagedorn) INTECH, Rijeka, Croatia, 2012.
A.A. Mailybaev
and A.P. Seyranian,
Multiparameter Stability Problems. Theory
and Applications in Mechanics,
Fizmatlit, Moscow,
2009. (in Russian)
A.P. Seyranian and A.A. Mailybaev,
Multiparameter Stability Theory with
Mechanical Applications,
World Scientific, New Jersey,
2003. Book description
reviews Order
A.P. Seyranian and I. Elishakoff,
Modern Problems of Structural Stability,
Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, 2002.
Structural Optimization under Stability and Vibration Constraints,
(Zyczkowski M., ed.) Part V. Springer-Verlag, Wien-New York, 1989.
Optimization Methods for Aviation Structures (with V.I.Biryuk,
V.M.Frolov, Yu.F.Yaremchuk)
Mashinostroenie, Moscow, 1989, (in Russian).
Stability and Catastrophes of Vibrating Systems Depending on Parameters
Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark,
1991, 77 p.
On optimality criteria for plates under bending load
Uchenie Zapiski CAHI,
1971, v.2, No 4.
A dynamic problem of optimum design (with R.I.Pyatigorskii)
Uchenie Zapiski CAHI,
1971, v.2, No 6.
Elastic plates and beams of minimum weight with several types of
bending load Izv.AN SSSR, Mekhanika
Tverdogo Tela (English
Mechanics of Solids) 1973, v.8, No 5.
Optimal design of beams with constraints on the deflections
Izv. Armenian
Academy of Sciences,
1975, v.28, No 6.
Optimal beam design with limitations on natural vibration
frequency and buckling load
Mechanics of Solids, 1976, v.11, No 1.
Optimum circular plate with constraints on the rigidity and
frequency of natural oscillations (with N.M.Gura)
Mechanics of Solids, 1977, v.12, No 1.
Optimization of the weight of a wing with constraints on the
static aeroelasticity
Mechanics of Solids, 1978, v.13, No 4.
A study of an extremum in the optimal problem of a
circular plate
Mechanics of Solids, 1978, v.13, No 6.
Homogeneous functionals and structural optimization
Intern.J.Solids Structures, 1979, v.15, No 10.
Optimization of stability of a plate in supersonic gas flow
Mechanics of Solids, 1980, v.15, No 5.
Optimization of structures subjected to aeroelastic
instability phenomena
Archives of Mechanics, Warszawa, 1982, v.34, No 2.
Sensitivity analysis and optimization of aeroelastic
Int.J.Solids Structures, 1982, v.18, No 9.
Sensitivity analysis for problems of dynamic stability (with P.Pedersen)
Int.J.Solids Structures, 1983, v.19, No 4.
Optimization of aeoelastic stability of a panel in
supersonic gas flow
In: Optimization Methods in Structural Design (Eschenauer
H., and Olhoff N., eds),
1983, Mannheim, Wien,
Zurich. Bibliographisches Institut,
Bimodal solutions in eigenvalue optimization
problems (with A.S.Bratus)
Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika (English
translation: PMM U.S.S.R.) 1983, v. 47, No 4.
A solution of a problem of Lagrange
Dokl.Akad Nauk SSSR,
1983, v. 271, p.337-340 (English translation:
Sov.Phys.Doklady, 1983, v. 28, No 7).
Sensitivity and optimization of critical parameters in dynamic
stability problems (with A.V.Sharanyuk)
Mechanics of Solids, 1983, v.18, No 5.
On a problem of Lagrange
Mechanics of Solids, 1984, v.19, No 2.
Sufficient conditions for an extremum in eigenvalue optimization
problems (with A.S.Bratus)
PMM U.S.S.R., 1984, v.48, No 4.
Optimization of flutter characteristics (with A.V.Sharanyuk)
Izv.Armenian Acad.Sciences,
1984, v.37, No 5.
Multiple eigenvalues in optimization problems
PMM U.S.S.R., 1987, v.51, No 2.
Sensitivity analysis of vibrational frequencies of
systems (with A.V.Sharanyuk)
Mechanics of Solids, 1987, v.22, No 2.
Destabilization paradox in stability problems
of nonconservative systems
Advances in Mechanics, Warszawa, 1990, v.13, No 2, p.89-124.
Interaction of eigenvalues and structural stability
Proc.Inter.Colloquium on Stability of Steel
Structures, Budapest,
Hungary, 1990.
Sensitivity analysis of eigenvalues and development
of instability
Stroinicki Casopis, Bratislava 1991, v.42,
No 3.
Evolution of frequencies of dissipative systems (with Sevriuk
PMM U.S.S.R., 1993, v.57, No 4.
Interaction of frequencies of gyroscopic systems
Mechanics of Solids, 1993, v.28, No 4.
Sensitivity analysis of multiple eigenvalues
Mechanics of Structures and Machines, 1993, v.21, No 2.
On interaction of eigenvalue branches in
multi-parameter problems (with P.Pedersen)
In: Dynamics and vibration of time varying structures (Sinha S.C.,
Evan-Ivanowski R.M., eds),
1993, DE-Vol. 56, ASME, New York, p.19-31.
On the theorems of Metelitsyn
Mechanics of Solids, 1994, v.29, No 3, p. 39-43.
Bifurcations in one-parameter circulatory systems
Mechanics of Solids, 1994, v.29, No 1.
Collision of eigenvalues in linear oscillatory
J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1994, v.58, No 5, pp. 805-813.
Sensitivity analysis and optimization of multiple eigenvalues
structural design problems (with N.Olhoff and E.Lund)
In: A collection of technical papers. Part 1, 5th
AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and
Optimization. September 7-9, 1994, Panama
City Beach ,Florida, USA,
Multiple eigenvalues in structural optimization
(with N.Olhoff and E.Lund)
Structural Optimization, 1994, v.8, p.207-227.
Optimality conditions for multiple eigenvalues and
new solutions to Lagrange problem
In: Proc. First World Congress of Structrural and Multidisciplinary Optimization,
May 29-June 2, 1995 (Ed. N.Olhoff and G.Rozvany), Pergamon, 1995, p.
On gyroscopic stabilization (with J.Stoustrup and W.Kliem)
ZAMP, 1995, v.46, p.255-267.
New solutions to Lagrange's problem
Physics-Doklady, 1995, v.40, No. 5, pp.251-253.
On two effects in fluid/structure interaction theory (with P.Pedersen)
In :Flow Induced Vibration (Bearman
P.W., ed.), 1995, A.A.Balkema,
Rotterdam/Brookfield, p.565-576.
Stabilization of nonconservative systems by
dissipative forces
and uncertainties in the critical load
Physics-Doklady, 1996, v.41, No 5, pp. 214-217.
The Keldysh problem of aeroelastic
stability of a strut-braced wing (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Physics-Doklady, 1996, v.41, No 10, pp. 484-487.
Conditions of the maximum of the minimal eigenvalue
under several constraints
Doklady Mathematics, 1997, v.56, No 2, pp. 458-461.
System optimization by oscillation and stability criteria
Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
1997, v.36, No 3, p.121-127.
Analysis of the gyroscopic stabilization of a system of rigid bodies (with W.Kliem)
ZAMP, 1997, v.48, pp.840-847.
The effect of a strut attachment point on aeroelastic
stability of a frame right angle (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Uchenie zapiski TsAGI, 1997, Vol. 28, No. 3-4, pp. 171-187. (in Russian)
Optimal position of a bracing strut of a wing with respect to aeroelastic stability (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Proc. 2nd World Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
(Eds. W.Gutkowski, Z.Mroz).
Poland, 1997,
Vol. 2, pp. 941-946.
Singularities of the boundaries of stability domains (with A.A. Mailybaev)
J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1998, Vol. 62, No. 6, pp. 909-920.
Aeroelastic stability of a wing with bracing sruts (Keldysh problem) (with
A.A. Mailybaev)
Fluid Dynamics, 1998, Vol. 33, No. 1, pp. 124-134.
Optimization of stability of a flexible missile under follower thrust (with O.N.Kirillov)
AIAA Paper 98-4969, pp.2063-2073.
Sensitivity analysis of eigenvalues and
singularities of stability domains (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Proc. 7th AIAA/USAF/NASA/ISSMO Symposium on Multidisciplinary
Analysis and Optimization. St. Louis,
USA, 1998.
Vol. 3, pp. 2166-2176.
Postbuckling behavior of bimodal optimal columns
(with O.G.Privalova)
Mechanics of Solids, 1999, v.34, No. 2. pp. 168-177.
Stability analysis for multi-parameter linear periodic systems (with F.Solem and P.Pedersen)
Archive of Applied Mechanics, 1999, v. 69, pp. 160-180.
The stability domains of Hamiltonian systems (with A.A. Mailybaev)
J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 1999, Vol. 63. No. 4. pp. 545-555.
On singularities of stability domain boundaries for Hamiltonian and
gyroscopic systems (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Doklady Physics, 1999. Vol. 44. No. 4. pp. 251-255.
Supercritical behavior of optimum bars with two modes of buckling (with O.G.Privalova)
Doklady-Physics,1999, v.44, no 6, pp.486-489.
On Singularities of a Boundary of the Stability Domain (with A.A.Mailybaev)
J. Matrix Anal. Appl., 2000, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp.
Multi-parameter linear periodic systems: sensitivity analysis and
applications (with F.Solem and P.Pedersen)
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2000, Vol. 229, No.1, pp. 89-111.
On the boundaries of the parametric resonance domain (with A.A.Mailybaev)
J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 2000, Vol. 64, No. 6, pp. 909-923.
On singularities of boundaries for parametric resonance (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Doklady Physics, 2000. Vol. 45. No. 8. p. 410-414.
Bifurcation of eigenvalues of nonselfadjoint
differential operators with an application to mechanical problems (with O.N. Kirillov).
Proceedings of the Seminar "Time, Chaos and Mathematical Problems".
Eds.: R.I. Bogdanov and A.S. Pechentsov.
2000. Vol. 2. P. 217-240.
Sensitivity analysis for the Floquet multipliers.
In: Proc. Intern. Conference “Control of Oscillations and Chaos”,
St.-Petersburg, 2000, pp. 404-407.
Bifurcations of eigenvalues of gyroscopic systems
with parameters.
near stability boundaries (with W. Kliem)
Trans.ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics. 2001,
Vol. 68, pp. 199-205.
Resonance domains for the Hill equation with allowance for damping.
Doklady Physics, 2001, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 41-44.
Overlapping of frequency curves in nonconservative
systems (with O.N.Kirillov).
Doklady Physics, 2001, Vol. 46, No. 3, pp. 184-189.
Bifurcation diagrams and stability boundaries of circulatory systems (with O.N.Kirillov)
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Yugoslav Society of Mechanics. 2001. Vol.
26, pp.135-168.
Parametric resonance in systems with small dissipation (with A.A.Mailybaev)
J. Appl. Maths Mechs, 2001, Vol. 65, No. 5, pp. 755-767.
On stability boundaries of conservative systems (with A.A.Mailybaev)
J. Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP), 2001, Vol. 52,
Bifurcation diagrams and stability boundaries of circulatory systems (with
O.N. Kirillov). Theoretical and Applied Mechanics,
Yugoslav Society of Mechanics. 2001. Vol. 26. P. 135-168.
On stability boundaries of conservative systems (with A.A.Mailybaev).
J. Appl. Math. Phys. (ZAMP). 2001. Vol. 52
(4) p. 669-679
Stability boundaries of linear periodic systems (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Proc. First MIT Conference on Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics (K.J.
Bathe, ed.),
Elsevier, 2001. Vol. 2, P. 1613-1616.
Parametric resonance in systems with small dissipative forces (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Doklady Physics, 2001, Vol. 46, No. 5, pp. 633-638.
On the stability boundary of Hamiltonian systems (with Qi
Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. 2002. Shanghai, China.
Vol. 23, No. 2. P. 187-193.
On stability boundary of linear multi-parameter Hamiltonian systems (with Qi Zhao-hui)
Acta Mechanica Sinica. 2002. Vol. 18, No. 6. P. 661-670.
Theory of Parametric Resonance: New Results.
In: Mechanics, Mechatronics and Structronics.
2002, Proceedings of
Mech2k2, JKU of Linz,
Editor: A.Guran, pp. 209-212.
Three-dimensional domains of parametric resonance (with A.A. Mailybaev),
Proceedings of Steklov Mathematical Institute,
2002, Vol. 236, pp. 291-304.
Metamorphoses of characteristic curves in circulatory systems.
(with O.N. Kirillov).
J. Appl. Maths Mechs. 2002. Vol. 66. No. 3. P. 371-385.
The Lagrange Problem on Optimal Column
In: Mechanics, Mechatronics and Structronics.
2002. Proceedings of
Mech2k2, JKU Linz,
Editor: A.Guran, pp. 213-216.
Collapse of Keldysh chains and the stability of
non-conservative systems (with O.N.Kirillov).
Doklady Mathematics. 2002. Vol. 66. No. 1. P.
A non-smooth optimization problem (with O.N. Kirillov).
Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2002.
Vol. 57. No. 3. P. 1-6.
Overlapping of Characteristic Curves and Optimization of Nonconservative
Systems (with O.N. Kirillov). Proceedings of the
15th Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics. Aalborg. Denmark. Edited by E. Lund, N. Olhoff, J.
Stegmann. 2002. P. 227-228.
Metamorphoses of Characteristic Curves and Optimization of Nonconservative Systems
(with O.N.Kirillov). Proceedings of XXX Summer
School APM'2002.
June 27 - July 6, 2002. St.
Petersburg (Repino), Russia. P. 342-347.
Solution to the Herrmann-Smith problem (with O.N. Kirillov).
Doklady Physics. 2002. Vol. 47. No. 10. P.
Effect of small dissipative and gyroscopic forces on the stability of nonconservative systems
(with O.N. Kirillov). Doklady
Physics. 2003. Vol. 48. No. 12. P. 679-684.
The Lagrange problem on an optimal column.
Uspekhi Mekhaniki, 2003,
V. 2, No. 2, P. 45-96.
Theory of parametric resonance: modern results.
Proc. Intern. Conference “Physics and Control”, Sankt-Petersburg,
August 2003, p.1052-1060.
Metelitsyn’s inequality and stability criteria for
mechanical systems (with W. Kliem).
Proc. Intern. Conference “Physics and Control”, Sankt-Petersburg,
August 2003, P.1096-1101.
Breakup of resonance zones for Meissner’s equation
with small dumping (with A.A.Seyranian).
Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin. 2003, ¹
5, P. 53-59.
The Lagrange problem on an optimal column: old and new results (with O.G. Privalova).
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2003, Vol. 25, No. 5-6, P.
Interaction of eigenvalues in multi-parameter
problems (with A.A.Mailybaev).
Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2003, Vol. 267, pp. 1047-1064.
Interaction of eigenvalues under variation of
parameters (with A.A. Mailybaev).
Doklady Mathematics, 2003, Vol. 68, No. 3, pp.
Swing problem. Doklady Physics. Vol. 49. No.1. pp. 64-68.
Collapse of the Keldysh chains and stability of
continuous non-conservative
systems (with O.N.Kirillov).
Journal on Applied Mathematics. 2004. Vol. 64. No. 4. P. 1383-1407.
Theory of parametric resonance: new results (with A.A.Mailybaev).
Proceedings of the Seminar "Time, Chaos and Mathematical Problems".
Eds.: R.I. Bogdanov and A.S. Pechentsov.
2004. Vol. 3. P. 195-210.
Metelitsyn’s inequality and stability criteria for
mechanical systems (with W.Kliem).
J. Appl. Maths Mechs. 2004. Vol. 68. No 2. P. 199-205.
The swing: Parametric resonance. J. Appl. Maths Mechs. 2004. Vol. 68. ¹
5. P. 757-764.
Stabilization and destabilization of a circulatory system by small
velocity-dependent forces
(with O.N.Kirillov) Journal of Sound and
Vibration 2005. Vol. 283. P. 781-800.
Geometric phase around exceptional points (with Mailybaev A.A. and Kirillov
Physical Review A. 2005. Vol. 72. No. 014104..
Unfolding of eigenvalue surfaces near a diabolic
point due to a complex perturbation
(with Kirillov O.N. and Mailybaev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2005. Vol. 38. No. 24. P.
Coupling of eigenvalues of complex matrices at
diabolic and exceptional points
(with Kirillov O.N. and Mailybaev
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General. 2005. Vol. 38. No. 8. P.
Dissipation induced instabilities of continuous non-conservative systems
(with O.N.Kirillov). Doklady
Mathematics. 2005. Vol. 71. No. 3. P.
The effect of small internal and external damping on the stability of
non-conservative systems (with O.N.Kirillov).
J. Appl. Math. Mech. 2005. Vol. 69. No. 4.
Effect of small internal and external damping on the stability
of continuous non-conservative systems (with O.N.Kirillov).
Proceedings CDROM of the ENOC-2005,
Eindhoven, The Netherlands,
7-12 August 2005.
Theoretical and experimental study of instability and periodic motion of a
pendulum with vibrating suspension point (with H. Yabuno
and K. Tsumoto).
Proc. 8th Conference on Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications. Lodz,
Poland, 2005.
Vol. 1, p. 419-428.
Instability regions of a system with periodically varying
moment of inertia (with C.Cattani).
J. Appl. Math. Mech. 2005. Vol. 69. No. 6. P. 905-911.
On a parametric resonance problem (with C.Cattani),
Proceedings of the Physics and Control International Conference (PhysCon),
Sankt-Petersburg, 2005, p. 326-329.
Instability and periodic motion of a physical pendulum with a vibrating
suspension point
(theoretical and experimental approach). (with H. Yabuno and K. Tsumoto).
Doklady Physics, Vol. 50, No. 9, P. 367-472.
On eigenvalue surfaces near a diabolic point (with O.N.Kirillov and A.A.Mailybaev).
Proceedings of the International Conference "Physics and Control". St.-Petersburg.
Russia. August
24-26. 2005.
Strong and weak coupling of eigenvalues of complex
(with A.A.Mailybaev
and O.N.Kirillov)
Proceedings of the International Conference "Physics and Control".
St.-Petersburg. Russia. August 24-26.
Dissipation induced instabilities in continuous non-conservative systems
(with Kirillov O.N.). Proc. Appl.
Math. Mech. Vol. 5(1). 2005.
Berry phase
around degeneracies (with A.A. Mailybaev
and O.N. Kirillov)
Doklady Mathematics, 2006, Vol. 73, No. 1,
pp. 129-133.
The stability of an inverted pendulum with a vibrating suspension point
(with A.À. Seyranian) J. Appl.
Math. Mech. 2006. Vol. 70. P. 754-761.
Bimodal bifurcations of equilibria in symmetric
potential systems (with À.À.Mailybaev)
Doklady Physics. 2007. V. 52. No.11. P. 600-606.
Chelomei problem (with A.À. Seyranian)
Doklady Physics. 2007. V. 52. No.11. P. 621-624.
Stabilization of statically unstable systems via vibrations (with À.À.Seyranian)
Proc. International Conference «Advanced Problems of Continuum Mechanics»
dedicated to 95th anniversary of academician Nagush Arutyunyan.
Institute of Mechanics
of Armenian Academy
of Sciences, Yerevan,
2007. P. 387-390.
Bifurcations of equilibria at bimodal critical
points (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary
Seoul, Korea, pp. 1396-1405.
Application of Pontryagin’s principle to bimodal
optimization problems (with T.M.Atanackovic)
Proceedings of 7th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary
Seoul, Korea, pp. 768-779.
Multiparameter Stability Theory with Mechanical
Proc. 9th Conference on Dynamical Systems – Theory and Applications. Lodz, Poland, 2007.
Vol. 1, pp. 89-96.
Bifurcations of equilibria in potential systems at
bimodal critical points (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Trans.ASME. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2008,
Vol. 75, 021016-1 - 021016-11.
Chelomei’s problem of the stabilization of a
statically unstable rod by means of vibration
(with A.A.Seyranian) J. Appl.
Math. Mech. 2008. Vol. 72. P. 898-903.
Swing dynamics (with A.O.Belyakov)
Doklady Physics, 2008, Vol. 53, No. 7, pp. 388-394.
Parametric resonance in mechanics: classical problems and new results.
Journal of System Design and Dynamics
(Special Issue on Nonlinear Dynamics in Mechanical Systems)
2008, Vol. 2, No. 3, pp. 664-683.
Determination of moments of inertia of bulk bodies by vibrations in elastic
(with A.O.Belyakov). Mechanics of Solids, 2008, No.
2, P. 49-62.
Regular and chaotic dynamics of the swing (with A.O.Belyakov
and A.Luongo)
Proceedings of 6th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 2008, June 30 –
July 4,
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
The Chelomei problem: high or low frequency
stabilization? (with A.A.Seyranian)
Proceedings of 6th EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, 2008, June 30 –
July 4,
Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Bifurcation and post-buckling analysis of bimodal optimum columns (with N.Olhoff)
International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2008, Vol. 45, pp. 3967-3995.
Application of Pontryagin’s principle to bimodal
optimization problems
(with T.M.Atanackovic)
Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2008. Vol. 37. P. 1-12.
Instability and periodic motion of a physical pendulum with vibrating
suspension point
(theory and experiment) (with H.Yabuno and K.Tsumoto)
Proc. 6th International Conference “The Problems of Dynamics of Interaction
of Deformable
Media”. Goris-Stepanakert, Institute
of Mechanics NAS, Yerevan, 2008. P. 412-421.
Dynamics of the pendulum with periodically varying length (with A.O.Belyakov and A.Luongo) Physica D. 2009. Vol. 238. P. 1589-1597.
Stabilization of statically unstable systems by parametric excitation (with A.A.Mailybaev) Journal of Sound and Vibration. 2009. Vol.
323. P. 1016–1031.
Vibrational stabilization of statically unstable
systems (with A.A.Mailybaev) Doklady
AN. 2009. Vol. 426. ¹ 4. P. 480–486.
Two classical problems on stabilization of statically unstable systems by
vibration Proc. 7th International Symposium on vibrations of continuous
systems. Zakopane,Poland.
2009. P. 60-62.
Stabilization of statically unstable columns by axial vibration of arbitrary
frequency (with A.A.Mailybaev). Journal of Sound and
Vibration 328 (2009), 203-212.
Two classical problems on stabilization of statically unstable systems by
vibration Proc. 7th International Symposium on vibrations of continuous
systems, Zakopane,Poland.
2009. P. 60-62.
The Chelomei problem on stabilization of statically
unstable systems by vibration (with A.A.Seyranian).
Proc. Inter. Conference “Aerospace Technologies”, dedicated to V.N.Chelomei 95th anniversary, 2009. Moscow. P. 216-218.
Bifurcation Analysis and Post-Buckling Behaviour of
Bimodal Optimum Columns (with N. Olhoff)
In: CD-Rom Proceedings. 7th EUROMECH Solid Mechanics Conference, Session
GS-SM – Structural Mechanics, ID 0128, p. 1-12., 7-11 September 2009, Lisbon,
Portugal, 2009.
Two problems on stabilization of statically unstable systems by vibration.
CD-Rom Proceedings of 18th Workshop on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube
Region, Brasov.
May 25-27, 2009. P. 79-84.
The hula-hoop problem (with A.O.Belyakov) Doklady Physics. 2010. Vol. 55. No. 2. P. 99-104
Nonlinear Vibrations, Stability Analysis, and Control (with C.Cattani and I.Trendafilova)
Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Vol. 2010, Article ID 873047, 2 pages.
On Nonlinear Dynamics of the
Pendulum with Periodically Varying Length (with
Mechanics of Machines, BulKToMM, Vol. 18 (87), No.
3, 2010, pp. 21-28.
Bimodal Optimization with Constraints: Critical Value of the Constraint
and Post-critical Configurations (with T.M.Atanackovic)
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2011, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 107-124.
On stability boundaries of
conservative systems (with A.A.Mailybaev). In Grigorian
S.S. Selected Problems of Modern Mechanics, Moscow University
Press, 2011, Vol. II, pp. 163-171.
of nonconservative forces on the stability of
systems with multiple frequencies and paradox of Nicolai
(with A.A.Mailybaev) Doklady
AN. 2011. T. 435. ¹ 6. P. 1-7.
How to twirl a hula-hoop (with A.O.Belyakov)
American Journal of Physics, 2011, Vol. 79, No. 7, pp. 712-715.
Paradox of Nicolai and related
effects (with A.A.Mailybaev). ZAMP, 2011, Vol. 62,
pp. 539-548.
Effect of Nonconservative Forces on the Stability of
Systems with Multiple Frequencies and the Nicolai
Paradox (with A.A.Mailybaev).
Doklady Physics, 2011, Vol. 56, No. 1, pp. 32–38.
Interaction of eigenvalues
with applications in mechanics and physics. Proceedings of 3d International
Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vlasina
Lake (Serbia) 5-8 July, 2011, pp. 63-72.
of eigenvalues with applications in physics and
mechanics. IPACS Electronic library, Proceedings of 5th International Conference
on Physics and Control, November 2011.
Electronic library, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Physics
and Control, November 2011.
Twirling of
hula-hoop: new results (with A.O.Belyakov).
Proc. 7 European Conference on Nonlinear Dynamics (ENOC 2011), Rome, Italy,
July 24 – 29, 2011.
A remark to the paper by O.N. Kirillov and F. Verhulst “Paradoxes
of dissipation-induced destabilization or who opened
Whitney’s umbrella?” (with A.A.Mailybaev).
Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 2012, Vol. 92, No. 3, p. 253-254.
Vibrational stabilization of the upright statically
unstable position of a double pendulum
(with I.M. Arkhipova and A. Luongo). Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2012, Vol. 331,
pp. 457-–469.
A.P.Seyranian, A.A.Mailybaev.
Paradox of Nicolai and similar effects in stability
problems. Proceedings of International Conference "Topical Problems
of Continuum Mechanics", Vol. 2, Yerevan. p. 306-309.
Sensitivity analysis and optimization of aeroelastic stability characteristics
Institute of Problems in Mechanics, Moscow, 1980, No 162, 58 p.
Destabilization paradox and criteria of vibrational
Institute of Problems in Mechanics, Moscow, 1987, No 301, 60 p.
Interaction of eigenvalues
Institute of Problems in Mechanics, Moscow, 1990, No 446, 37 p.
On boundaries between stability, flutter and divergence regions
Institute of Mechanics, Moscow State Lomonosov
University, Moscow, 1995, No 11, 39 p.
Geometry of singularities of stability domain boundaries (with A.A.Mailybaev)
Preprint No. 25-97. Institute
of Mechanics, MSU.
1997. 39p. (in Russian)
On stability domains of linear Hamiltonian systems (with A.A.Mailybaev).
Preprint No. 37-98. Institute
of Mechanics, MSU.
1998. 63p. (in Russian)
On the stability boundaries of circulatory systems (with O.N.Kirillov)
Preprint No. 51-99. Institute
of Mechanics, MSU.
1999. 59p.
Bifurcations of eigenvalues of gyroscopic systems
with parameters
near stability boundaries (with W.Kliem)
DCAMM Report No. 623, 1999. 27p.
The Lagrange Problem on Optimal Column
Preprint No. 60-2000. Institute
of Mechanics, MSU,
2000. 64p. (in Russian)
Collapse of the Keldysh Chains and Stability of
Non-Conservative Systems (with O.N.Kirillov)
DCAMM Report No. 671, 2002. 41p.
Collapse of the Keldysh Chains and Stability of
Continuous Non-Conservative Systems
(with O.N. Kirillov). DCAMM Report. No. 671. April
2002. 42 p.
Unfolding of eigenvalue surfaces near a diabolic
point due to a complex perturbation
(with A.A. Mailybaev and O.N. Kirillov).
ArXive:math-ph/0411006 v1 2 Nov 2004.
Coupling of eigenvalues of complex matrices at
diabolic and exceptional points
(with O.N. Kirillov and A.A. Mailybaev).
ArXive:math-ph/0411024 v1 5 Nov 2004.
Bifurcation and post-buckling analysis of bimodal optimum columns
(with N.Olhoff) DCAMM Report, December 2007. 39 p.